Saturday, December 6, 2008

Winter arrives @ Bristol Motel, Wawa, ON Canada

The Bristol Motel Parking lot.

We have three tracters but my driveway is always the last one to be done.

Winter arrives all in one day. Snow started to fall and blow late December 5/08. Customers said the highway was terrible especially around the lake.

Snow continued to fall all through the night with blowing winds spread it all around.

This morning it continued to snow and blow. Locals were still getting to the Sub shop to bring their donations to the food bank fund scheduled for today. Donations will be very helpful as this year there are many people out of work in the area and they will gladly appreciate the help. If you have not been there yet ... get there! You never know when you need help, this is the true spirit of the holidays. Neighbour helping neighbour.

Willy has been in his toy tracter since 4:00 am. Marc came to help him and they have been done plowing their lists but I guess they still want to play awhile longer. Three P.M. and everything has come to a stop. The sun is starting to peak out and the winds have quit blowing.

One thing about the snow ... you can always pile it higher.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Santa Arrives by Firetruck to Community Christmas

Sunday November 30, Santa and Mrs. Clause arrived at the Wawa Arena where the Best Start Hub hosted a very busy afternoon for the children of the area. The kids and the parents had a great time and it was a real treat to see something so positive. Everyone left their worries at home.

Santa Clause was keep busy with all the orders the children were giving him and Mrs. Clause was giving out the candy canes and oranges. The elves helpers were kept busy too as there was a steady line of children waiting for their turn to talk with Santa while their parent took their picture.

There were games and toys set up around the room and parents watched and talked and watched their children play while enjoying the snacks provided.

Small prizes were awarded to the children but they were more interested in the games and toys. Volunteers helped to paint the childrens' faces and helped them to decorate cookies. The play dough was also a huge hit not only for the kids as parents spent time at this table as well.

The Best Start Hub, Wawa hosted this very successful free day for the community . They did a great job and everyone is waiting for it to come around again next year. All the time and energy this group put into this project was very well appreciated. You are the Best Start to this community, and one day your little people will be a real asset to our community. I noticed these little people, many of them coming and going, but I noticed only laughter, sharing and learning, with the exception of the few who were afraid of Santa. Too bad some of the leaders today were not there; I am sure they could have learned something about getting along. Merry Christmas.

Friday, November 7, 2008

P.D. Day = Home Schooling

Wawa Geese waiting for the bell to ring?

Someone forgot to tell the Geese it's a P.D. Day, Friday October3, 2008.

Enviromental Studies

Learning which berries to pick and eat. That's easy if it blue it is good.

Learning How to Make a Horseshoe Pit. Had to get the right wood for the plans I drew. Measure the wood, measure twice, cut once. Cut the wood and then nail it togeather. Fill the pit with sand after I get it laid out in the correct distance for the game rules. Good thing I know my math.

Horseshoe game tonight.

Never too young to learn How to use a drill. Never know when you will have to help dad with repairs. Hope the batteries last for a long time... and glad they are rechargables.

Catching the fish was easy ... BUT how to set that minnow trap and catch the minnows, well that's another story. Always bring extra clothes.

Time to eat now that we have learned how to clean our catch and get it ready for the pan. Safety lessons about using propane & hot grease. The big piece is mine.

Guess these two do not want to play horseshoes.

Checkout my campfire. The perfect end to a perfect day.

Wonder when my next P.D. Day is?

What did you do on your P.D. Day?


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Virginia"s Restaurant Hornepayne ON

On our regular trips to Hornepayne , ON to visit our parents who resident in the Hornepayne Community Hospital we have found a new place to eat that you should check out when you are in the neighbourhood. Virginia's Diner 113 Front Street, Hornepayne.

We found out about it from the hospital. Hospital staff take out their long term residents to Virginia's Diner every Tuesday for Tunnie Tuesday. $2.00 for tea and a homemade dessert made daily by the owner Virginia. Virginia was a Wawa local and is the daughter of Mrs. Vinslovas here of Wawa.

It is a small little diner but she has a big desire to serve her guests in her spotless kitchen. She is opened from 7:00am to 8:oopm. Sarah is the friendly waitress that will serve your delious meal.

There is a small padio out front where the locals catch a beer with their lunch and enjoy the summer.

The Fly- in- fishermen have found this little jewell in the north and enjoy a harty breakfast before they fly out to have a busy day fishing.

The favourite special is her chicken wings. Eat in or take out you will enjoy it. Drop in and say Hi. We know you will not stop at a coffee!


Grandma doors

Come and see the Grandma Doors along the road from the Wawa Goose to the Wawa Beach front. They are the talk of the town. Everyone is talking about the doors and wondering what about grandpa?
This is a one time display and more than 200 doors have been created with a whole lot of love and memories. I am sure some tears fell along the way as local residents tried to tell us about their grandmothers. They include heritage women who contributed growth and development of this town. The are heart warming and some make you laugh. This project has created such a noise in this little town. I think that it is great to see the children of today working along with the adults to promote a positive example with a common goal. I would also note that with 200 hundred doors around town the vandal appears to be the rain and wind. Wawa is a great place to live and we should be proud to call it home. I truly wished I could have done one for my grandmothers but due to family illness it was not possible. To all the grandmothers you must have made some impression on your grandchildren for them to take the time to do this none computer task. They always say, the grandma that rocks the cradel will have a ruler of the world tomorrow. In a very difficult time it is a real positive. It is really nice to see the locals bring their Grandmothers out about town to view their works of art. Good job, Lori and your helpers and to the teachers who supported this display. P.S. Remember you could win $1000.00 in cash & prizes in the Grandma Door Trivia Contest.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gold Wing Annual Motorcycle ride from Sault Ste. Mare, Chapleau, Wawa

The Gold Wings have returned!

Once again the Gold Wing riders have returned to the Bristol Motel Saturday June 7, 2008.

They had a beautiful sunny day but the wind was wild at some points along the way.

On the way up each group (they travel in groups usually two or three) had seen a moose along the highway and a couple of them had seen a bear. It was a bonus for this ride.

These two riders showed up a day early to make arrangemnets to park their bikes. They had a reserved spot held for them at the front door, "Lord Verhelst & the Emperor". This did not last too long as the reserved sign was moved at least four times when I was watching. Tyler ..... later played the bagpipes for the group and he is very talented. It was a treat to hear the bagpipes. We seldem get a chance to hear them and usually it is for Remembrance Day.

Willy & Bonnnie and their staff put on an annual BBQ for this great group of riders. They are a real treat to have and we enjoy having them. It is always a good time for everyone.

This is the first time, in all of the years this group has been coming, that we had a chance of rain. Willy made a tent to cover the tables in case of rain but at one point he had to take it down as the sun came out and the wind was so strong it was blowing the tarp off. The rain held off until the dessert was served ... great timing .... ! The tent went back up and they enjoyed the company of their new friends until late.

Everyone looks like they know what they are doing. Chief Chico and Louise have everything under control. With great help like this no problem.

The morning after, 7:30 am the riders are getting ready to breakfast at the Columbia Restaruant before their rendezvous at the Wawa Goose where they will take the annual group photo.

It was foggy when they left but it turned out to be a beautiful day and I am sure they had a great ride back as the scenery is fresh and green this time of the year.

Until next year ... have a safe summer and we will see you again! After the geese return the Gold Wings will arrive. Willy & Bonnie and staff.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Reactine ALLERGY RELIEF Van Visited Wawa Bristol Motel

Have you seen the Reactine Men?

Have you seen this bright blue unique vehicle along the highway

or maybe on the television ad for Non-Drowsy Allergy relief?

Lee & Steve the Reactine Men have

spent the night at the Bristol Motel May 31, 2008.
They have been travelling across the North leaving North Bay on Tueday and travelling down to Timmins, Wawa, Sault Ste. Marie and back. They have been promoting a new allergy relief medication Reactine that promises to relieve runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, and hives for 24 hours and is non-drowsy. Product is made by Johnson & Johnson Inc. They are giving out free samples.

They arrived here in a new bright blue energy efficient car that is made from three vehicle types I have been told. The car is a real eye catcher ..... ! If you missed the car watch the television for the ad. They have another trip to the west of Ontario before travelling to Quebec. If you see them on the road ... honk your horn ... maybe they will honk back ... check out their horns.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

A.T.V. Guided ride Chapleau May 24 pm Bristol Off-Roading Outfitters

Great place for a picnic. The guide has lunch provided but everyone always brings their own snacks. It becomes a real smorgusboard as food is passed around and shared between everyone. Trail talk and the time has gone............time to ride again. can not live without it and you can not ride without it.
Like death and taxes, it is always there, but a lot more fun.
Many think it is the machine that makes the ride but I believe it is the rider who handles his machine (what ever machine) well that makes a good ride. It is a challenge. Tyler Gerrior , 15 was the novice rider who has learned to handle his machine through obstacles that make him an experienced rider. He has managed challenges some will never try and he has learned doing it and having fun safely. Learning the skills of the ride make you a safe rider. It also makes you more confident in your everyday life.
Owing a bike does not a rider make. Often the bigger the bike, the bigger the fool, the harder the fall, the bigger the hole in the wallet.

Halfway Haven the place you have to stop. The hosts Steve and Gail Bonne provide all of the neccessities for the rider. If they don't have it .... you don't need it.

Parker and his father -in-law to be standing outside at Halfway. Parker is here on the ride from Nova Scotia and he has never done a ride like this. He has learned quickly that as soon as Willy's red hat is on his head it is time to go and we are leaving. Parker is enjoying the many differences in our provinces. We hope he will like it so much that he will come back to stay and bring our daughter home.

Sand ..... how can you pass a ride like this. Sand the kids were rolling in it, the riders where riding in it, what a blast. the A.T.V. sure handles differently. Stan just had to make it to the top.

Chapleau here we are. Time to gas up so we will be ready to ride in the morning.

What a way to end the day relaxing in the jaccuzi at Valentine's Beds & Breakfast.

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A.T.V. Guided Ride Chapleau Bristol Off-Roading Outfitters May 24am

May 24th, 8:00 am we are ready to roll. Everyone is gased and ready to ride. One machine does not want to start. Someone left the key on? Friends grab a battery charger and pull up another machine, give the dead bike a boost and we are off. We carry everything we may need on the trail with us between the group. On an overnight trip we take a van with a trailer. We haul the baggage and the trailer will transport a dead bike or haul a bike for a rider who does not ride...who would want to like the van when you have a bike.

This is just one of the beautiful scences along the way. What a day for a ride!

The terrain provides a variety of riding for the rider. Never a dull moment. Riders stay back to avoid the dust and to give himself time to make a sudden stop if he has to. There is seldom a time when you meet another machine coming towards you but when you do, we use the hand signals we use for snowmobiling to tell how may are behind. Rarely a time when you just pass by. Everyone wants to stop and chat and find out where you are headed and where you have been. Hints and directions about obstacles along the way are shared.

Water is a challenge along the trail and it adds to the excitement. There is always comments on what machine is going to pull another one across. Our guide checks out the trail first before he send us across. If he don't go we don't go!

Travelling with a group is great as you have more hands on deck when you have to do something? Removing fallen treees along the way is easier with friends. A good way to burn calories. Should be lunch time soon.

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First A.T.V. Wedding Wawa, On May 24 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Gaudette May 24,2008

May 24th, 2008 Betty Bishop (nee Kidd) and Raoul Gaudette (Chico to everyone) had decided to elope on this special day. But..... for two special people ........we had to bring it up a notch. They wanted to keep it a secret. What a surprise when their travelling companions showed up at 11 Beck their home to take part in their ceremony. Reverand Bonnie Renar said it was a first for her too. 7:30 am rings were exchanged following their vows and they became husband and wife.

Kim Descheneau Betty's daughter was present as she was here from Orangeville to visit her cousin Karin Smedts home from Nova Scotia to join the ride this year. Chico's son Richard lives in Calgary with his family and Angel his daughter lives in Sudbury. A quick phone call to tell them the news and they were off.

While they were phoning Lionel Morin added streamers of tin cans to each of their bikes for the parade to the trail. Blame him for the noise if he woke you up.

We arrived in Chapleau about 7:00 pm where we spent the night at Valentines Bed & Breakfast the only place to stay in Chapleau.

There was a surprise party for Mr. & Mrs. Gaudette hosted by the brides sister's Connie Gerrior and Bonnie Smedts.

LOVE, Family, Friends, Fun, Food, Hot tub, Cake , beautiful sunny day ... what a beautiful way to spend their wedding day. Morning will come early. They won't be sleeping too much tonight but neither will we.

Ross Broomhead owner of the Valentine Bed & Breakfast cooked us up one of his special breakfasts and then off we were to Goudreau. Tonight the plan is to relax by a campfire and enjoy our stories. We did. This was a ride to remember!

On behalf of everyone on the ride we would like to wish Betty & Chico a long and happy life togeather. They are two special people who deserve to grow old riding togeather.